Quartiersplatz Klosterareal Pluggendorf

With the aim of further developing Pluggendorf in its characteristic diversity, LVM is launching its construction project on the monastery grounds in the heart of Münster. A lively and attractive urban district is to be created on the site.

The new urban district will be colorful. LVM is creating living space for families, seniors, single households and students. There are also plans for childcare, restaurants and local amenities, as well as community meeting places and offices. The plan calls for more than one-third of the neighborhood to be green space.

LVM is seeking Platinum certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) for the entire district. The DGNB system is the most comprehensive certification system for buildings and neighborhoods on the market, and platinum is the highest level of certification with the most stringent quality requirements, including carbon footprint and energy efficiency.

Source text: LVM Pressemitteilung 06.02.2023, Rendering ©LVM Versicherung/moka-studio

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